Get Started
Install and start using DDEV.
Choose your platform:
We’ll use OrbStack since it’s the simplest of several options. OrbStack is not free for professional use, but several other options are open-source and free to use.
1/4Install OrbStack Docker Provider
With Homebrew installed, you can install OrbStack with one command:
→ brew install orbstack docker
Download and run the OrbStack installer.
Launch OrbStack, accept the license agreement.
Confirm that you now have a Docker provider:
→ docker version
2/4Install DDEV
→ brew install ddev/ddev/ddev
→ curl -fsSL | bash
Confirm that DDEV is installed: 🎉
→ ddev -v
ddev version v1.24.3
3/4Run mkcert -install
Running mkcert -install
is a one-time operation. It allows your browser to trust the HTTPS/TLS certificates served by DDEV.
→ mkcert -install
Created a new local CA 💥
Sudo password:
The local CA is now installed in the system trust store! ⚡️
The local CA is now installed in the Firefox trust store (requires browser restart)! 🦊
4/4Create a Project
Navigate to a project you’d like to spin up with DDEV:
→ cd ~/dev/my-project
Initialize the project by running the ddev config
→ ddev config
Start the project for the first time. You’ll use the same command to start it later, too!
→ ddev start
If it’s a Composer project, you may also need to run ddev composer install
Now run the launch command to open your project in a browser:
→ ddev launch
Explore & Enjoy!
Take a peek at your project’s new .ddev/
directory. You can add
this to your repo to share your DDEV config, edit .ddev/config.yaml
to change project options, or even go about your business and pretend this folder doesn’t exist.
Run the help command
(or plain ddev
) to see the actions you can take with the CLI:
→ ddev -h
Use the describe command to see a project’s parts and database connection details:
→ ddev describe
If you’re done working on a project and want to shut it down without removing anything, use the stop command:
→ ddev stop
If you were just kicking the tires and you want to permanently delete the project and its resources without touching your code, run the delete command:
→ ddev delete
DDEV will remove everything it created for the project and have no memory of its existence.
To uninstall DDEV, first clean up its Docker bits and delete its files from your system:
→ ddev clean --all
→ ddev hostname --remove-inactive
→ rm -r ~/.ddev
→ rm -r ~/.ddev_mutagen_data_directory
Then remove the ddev
binary however you installed it:
→ brew uninstall ddev
→ rm /usr/local/bin/ddev
Join the DDEV Community
DDEV is an open source project with a growing community, and there are lots of ways to get involved!
We’ll use WSL2 with Docker inside since it’s the fastest and most straightforward of several options.
1/3Install WSL2 with Ubuntu
Run the following in an administrative PowerShell v5 terminal:
> wsl --install
You’ll probably need to reboot.
Visit the Microsoft Store and install the updated “Windows Subsystem for Linux” and click “Open”. It will likely prompt you for a username and password for the Ubuntu WSL2 instance it creates.
Verify that you now have an Ubuntu distro set as default:
> wsl -l -v
* Ubuntu Stopped 2
2/3Run the Install Script
Run the following in an administrative PowerShell:
> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
In the “Ubuntu” terminal app or Windows Terminal, confirm that DDEV is installed: 🎉
$ ddev -v
ddev version v1.24.3
3/3Create a Project
Navigate to a project you’d like to spin up with DDEV:
$ cd ~/dev/my-project
Initialize the project by running the ddev config
$ ddev config
Start the project for the first time. You’ll use the same command to start it later, too!
$ ddev start
If it’s a Composer project, you may also need to run ddev composer install
Now run the launch command to open your project in a browser:
$ ddev launch
Explore & Enjoy!
Take a peek at your project’s new .ddev/
directory. You can add
this to your repo to share your DDEV config, edit .ddev/config.yaml
to change project options, or even go about your business and pretend this folder doesn’t exist.
Run the help command
(or plain ddev
) to see the actions you can take with the CLI:
$ ddev -h
Use the describe command to see a project’s parts and database connection details:
$ ddev describe
If you’re done working on a project and want to shut it down without removing anything, use the stop command:
$ ddev stop
If you were just kicking the tires and you want to permanently delete the project and its resources without touching your code, run the delete command:
$ ddev delete
DDEV will remove everything it created for the project and have no memory of its existence.
To uninstall DDEV, first clean up its Docker bits and delete its files from your system:
$ ddev clean --all
$ ddev hostname --remove-inactive
$ rm -r ~/.ddev
Remove the ddev
binary from the WSL2 distro:
$ sudo apt-get remove ddev
Lastly, remove DDEV from Windows by visiting Add or remove programs, finding “DDEV”, and choosing Uninstall.
Join the DDEV Community
DDEV is an open source project with a growing community, and there are lots of ways to get involved!
We’ll install Docker and DDEV with your package manager, as detailed in the Linux installation docs.
1/4Install Docker
Docker installation on Linux depends on what flavor you’re using.
It’s best to use your native package repository (apt
, yum
, etc.):
Linux installation absolutely requires adding your Linux user to the docker
and configuring the Docker daemon to start at boot.
See Post-installation steps for Linux.
2/4Install DDEV
$ sudo sh -c 'echo ""'
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y curl
$ sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
$ curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/keyrings/ddev.gpg > /dev/null
$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/ddev.gpg
$ sudo sh -c 'echo ""'
$ echo "deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/ddev.gpg] * *" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddev.list >/dev/null
$ sudo sh -c 'echo ""'
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y ddev
$ sudo sh -c 'echo ""'
$ echo '[ddev]
enabled=1' | perl -p -e 's/^ +//' | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/ddev.repo >/dev/null
$ sudo sh -c 'echo ""'
$ sudo dnf install --refresh ddev
$ yay -S ddev-bin
$ curl -fsSL | bash
Confirm that you’ve now got DDEV installed: 🎉
$ ddev -v
ddev version v1.24.3
3/4Run mkcert -install
Running mkcert -install
is a one-time operation. It allows your browser to trust the HTTPS/TLS certificates served by DDEV.
$ mkcert -install
Created a new local CA 💥
The local CA is now installed in the system trust store! ⚡️
The local CA is now installed in the Firefox and/or Chrome/Chromium trust store (requires browser restart)! 🦊
4/4Create a Project
Navigate to a project you’d like to spin up with DDEV:
$ cd ~/dev/my-project
Initialize the project by running the ddev config
$ ddev config
Start the project for the first time. You’ll use the same command to start it later, too!
$ ddev start
If it’s a Composer project, you may also need to run ddev composer install
Now run the launch command to open your project in a browser:
$ ddev launch
Explore & Enjoy!
Take a peek at your project’s new .ddev/
directory. You can add
this to your repo to share your DDEV config, edit .ddev/config.yaml
to change project options, or even go about your business and pretend this folder doesn’t exist.
Run the help command
(or plain ddev
) to see the actions you can take with the CLI:
$ ddev -h
Use the describe command to see a project’s parts and database connection details:
$ ddev describe
If you’re done working on a project and want to shut it down without removing anything, use the stop command:
$ ddev stop
If you were just kicking the tires and you want to permanently delete the project and its resources without touching your code, run the delete command:
$ ddev delete
DDEV will remove everything it created for the project and have no memory of its existence.
To uninstall DDEV, first clean up its Docker bits and delete its files from your system:
$ ddev clean --all
$ ddev hostname --remove-inactive
$ rm -r ~/.ddev
Then remove the ddev
binary however you installed it:
$ sudo apt-get remove ddev
$ sudo dnf remove ddev
$ yay -R ddev-bin
$ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/ddev
Join the DDEV Community
DDEV is an open source project with a growing community, and there are lots of ways to get involved!
1/2Launch a Provider & Install DDEV
- Create a new codespace for your project or open an existing one.
Edit the project’s
file:{ "image": "", "features": { "": {} } }
- Save the file and rebuild the container by running VS Code’s “Codespaces: Rebuild Container” action. (⌘ + SHIFT + P on a Mac or CTRL + SHIFT + P on Windows, then search for “rebuild”.)
Confirm that you’ve now got DDEV installed: 🎉
→ ddev -v
ddev version v1.24.3
2/2Create a Project
Navigate to a project you’d like to spin up with DDEV:
→ cd ~/dev/my-project
Initialize the project by running the ddev config
→ ddev config
Start the project for the first time. You’ll use the same command to start it later, too!
→ ddev start
If it’s a Composer project, you may also need to run ddev composer install
Now run the launch command to open your project in a browser:
→ ddev launch
Explore & Enjoy!
Take a peek at your project’s new .ddev/
directory. You can add
this to your repo to share your DDEV config, edit .ddev/config.yaml
to change project options, or even go about your business and pretend this folder doesn’t exist.
Run the help command
(or plain ddev
) to see the actions you can take with the CLI:
→ ddev -h
Use the describe command to see a project’s parts and database connection details:
→ ddev describe
If you’re done working on a project and want to shut it down without removing anything, use the stop command:
→ ddev stop
If you were just kicking the tires and you want to permanently delete the project and its resources without touching your code, run the delete command:
→ ddev delete
DDEV will remove everything it created for the project and have no memory of its existence.
Join the DDEV Community
DDEV is an open source project with a growing community, and there are lots of ways to get involved!